The Java Jive

"Coffee consumption not associated with higher death rate"
— The Canadian Press 06/16/08

"Our findings provide support for a relationship between coffee consumption and higher blood pressure."
–The Effect of Chronic Coffee Drinking on Blood Pressure, American Heart Association, 1999

"Based on the literature reviewed, it is apparent that moderate daily filtered, coffee intake is not associated with any adverse effects on cardiovascular outcome."
–Department of Medical Genetics, Rikshospitalet University Hospital, Oslo, Norway, 2005

"In summary, these findings provide evidence of an association of … coffee consumption with pancreatic cancer incidence that is independent of age and cigarette smoking."
–School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, 1997

"The evidence clearly shows that levels of caffeine consumed by most people have largely positive effects on behavior."
–Center for Occupational and Health Psychology, School of Psychology, Cardiff University, UK, 2002

"…Caffeine’s cardiovascular effects could contribute to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease."
–Department of Psychiatry, Duke University Medical Center, 1989

"Contrary to common belief, the published literature provides little evidence that coffee and/or caffeine in typical dosages increases the risk of infarction, sudden death or arrhythmia."
–Cardiology Division, Moffitt-Long Hospitals, University of California, 1994

"…Consumption of coffee appears to be positively associated with an increased risk of thromboembolic stroke in hypertensive men in older middle-age."
–Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2003

"These data suggest that long-term coffee consumption is associated with a statistically significantly lower risk for type 2 diabetes."
–Annals of Internal Medicine, 2004

Ain’t science grand?

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